- 今回の調査では、前回調査に引き続き、①アジアを中⼼に新型コロナへの不安が残るものの、⾜下のレジャー実施意向は全般的に上昇、②新型コロナ収束後の海外旅⾏の実施意向も上昇、③海外旅⾏先としての日本の人気は引き続きトップ、④多くの市場で日本の清潔さ、⾷事の美味しさ、治安の良さは⾼評価、であることが確認できた。なお、新型コロナ収束後の海外旅⾏実施意向や新型コロナに対する不安については、新型コロナワクチン接種率の⽔準にかかわらず、いずれの国・地域においても新型コロナ収束後の海外旅⾏意向は強いが、ワクチン接種率と感染不安の払拭との関係については、国・地域ごとに異なる傾向がみられた。
Survey Summary
Japan Will Remain a Popular Destination for International Travel After COVID-19 is Contained:
Attractiveness Can be Enhanced through Expanding Outdoor Activities and Disseminating Information on Sustainable Initiatives
- The current survey, as with the previous survey, indicates that: (1) Intent to participate in leisure activities is generally higher, although there is still some concern about COVID-19, especially in Asia; (2) intent to travel overseas after COVID-19 is contained is over is also higher; (3) Japan remains the most popular overseas travel destination; and (4) Many markets rate Japan’s cleanliness, food, and safety highly. Willingness to travel abroad after COVID-19 is contained, and anxiety levels about COVID-19 are high in all countries/regions, regardless of the level of vaccination coverage. However, the relationship between vaccination coverage and reduced anxiety about infection tends to differ by country/region.
- Some needs have increased, and new needs have emerged in the aftermath of the pandemic, which made direct travel to Japan difficult. Respondents are showing an increased interest in outdoor activities and glamping due to changing tastes in the wake of the pandemic. They also firmly intend to participate in these activities in the future. Online tours are often used to research travel destinations and other purposes closely related to actual travel; however, some respondents also use online tours as new content. We, therefore, expect to see further use of online tours as a means of developing demand for actual travel and deepening enjoyment and as a form of content that addresses new needs.
- Regarding sustainable tourism, which is a focus of attention during the pandemic, around 70% of respondents indicated they place importance on sustainable practices when considering overseas travel. Younger respondents were more likely than older ones to emphasize these practices. Regarding reasons for emphasizing sustainable practices, older respondents were more likely to respond with environmental protection and contributing to the community. In comparison, younger respondents were likelier to choose subsidies and discounts, indicating different generations had different values. About 70% of all respondents were willing to accept an increase in room prices for sustainability, with a higher percentage of younger respondents than older respondents saying they thought it was a good idea. Given that many respondents place importance on sustainable initiatives when considering overseas travel, local communities and businesses need to use stories to communicate the sustainable initiatives they are implementing in combination with the local history and culture. It is also essential to provide tourists with information on where and how they can support sustainable activities in the region during their trip.
- Regarding workcations, about 10% of respondents said they “would work on documents or attend meetings online while traveling on vacation, if required.” We also found that some of these respondents are using their homes and multiple other areas as their offices. This usage indicates diverse needs while traveling. To incorporate the demand for workcations, we believe business operators must consider which user needs they will meet and develop the required environments accordingly. Related parties in the community must also help meet the demands and needs that business operators cannot cover. Cooperation between these groups is essential for developing environments and disseminating information.
- Although COVID-19 has made direct travel to Japan difficult for an extended period, the survey results provide hints for further enhancing Japan’s attractiveness by responding to new needs, such as increasing outdoor activities that utilize Japan’s four seasons and natural beauty. The results also suggest that possibilities for travel could be expanded by incorporating different values such as sustainable tourism and workcations. We hope that the creation of attractive tourism regions will continue to be promoted in preparation for the upcoming resumption of overseas travel.